Getting Started


The Teachable platform is built on Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework for creating web pages which are both responsive and mobile friendly.

Thank you for signing up to the course or previewing this lecture. During the course content, I hope to become an ongoing source of information and inspiration. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to leave a message using any of the following options:

If you find that you need support or help it's also possible to use the orange "Support" button over on the right of the screen. Completing the pop up form will generate a support ticket which will be answered within about 24 hours.

This course currently has between 20-25 lectures but this may change (and probably will) based on feedback from our students, expectations to fulfill the needs of students and on the natural flow and ebb of the actual overall course.

Eventually, there will be videos in place or in addition to any text documentation but to give some examples of the type of content that will be available in this course here's a quick example:

This is text inside what's called a 'well' which is inside a column centered on the screen. The Teachable Platform works on a framework called Bootstrap and has many built in class selectors or (simply put) templates.

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">
            <p class="well">This is text inside what's called a 'well' which is inside a column centered on the screen. The Teachable Platform works on a framework called Bootstrap and has many built in class selectors or (simply put) templates.

Don't feel daunted in trying to read this, it will be broken down so you'll understand exactly what the code is saying and what the result will be.

In order to create this simple layout, we need to learn a bit about HyperText Markup Language or HTML. The next lecture will give a brief introduction along with some resources links and a quiz to get your started.


Grab your favorite text editor to copy the examples that you'll see here and paste them into a new file. Make your changes in that editor instead of the Power Editor then when you're happy, you can copy/paste your code into the Power Editor.

I use Atom for my external editor as it's free and cross platform (Mac and Windows) and when a file is saved it will format the text in specific colors so code is easier to read. There are others that do the same, these two I've used myself:

Click the "Complete & Continue" button on the top right of the screen to continue.

Good Luck!

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